Ribarice Lake 

Unique as One and Only!


Gazivode Lake, although locals call it Ribarice Lake, is the only lake on the territory of Tutin. The truth is that this town once was in deficit with surface waters except for this accumulation which is located in the Ibar river valley. The dam making this accumulation was built in the place called Zubin Potok, where the almost entire accumulation is located on the territory of the town of Tutin. 

The dam built on the Gazivode Lake is unique for so many different things, and it is important to point out that it is the biggest dam in Europe and the fourth in the world dam with clay foundations and walls made of gravel. Gazivode Lake is one of the greatest resources and one of the favorite places of the locals because of the intact nature surrounding it. Therefore, a great number of people anchor their boats and rafts on this lake, while boat rides are more than exciting. 


Ibar Rafting? That sounds Like a Good Idea 


A couple of kilometers upstream of the Ibar River there is a place Milijina Glava which is named after the spring in the immediate proximity of the river flow. In the place where Milijina Glava flows into Ibar the water is much fresher and colder and is one of the most popular places where citizens of Novi Pazar and Tutin seek refreshment during hot, summer days. The banks of this river, which is located nearby Gazivode Lake, are one of the favorites places for rest and family time, it is an ideal place for fishing in overfalls, and for the adrenaline junkies, a huge number of overfalls are enough for every single adventure spirit. 


Who Said Novi Pazar Does Not Have a Beach?


The beach on the lake, “Pazar’s Sea”. A typical summer pleasure on the lake bank. All of the things that the sea can offer you ranging from cold water, sand volleyball, beach food, and drink sellers can be found on this lake as well. Currently, the project od the beach is being finalized, and it is one of the major projects for rural tourism development as well as the general tourism development of this region. 
